VACANCY: TNI is looking for a Spanish-speaking TRAINEE (paid position) to join our communications team

Dear all,

We’re looking for a trainee to join our communications team. Thanks a lot for forwarding this email to anyone who might be interested. The vacancy can also be found on our website [1]and/or retweeted [2].


Help activists, scholars and policy makers learn about our work. Tell the TNI story. Help make our social media shine.

Would you like to join our communications team for four or five days per week for a six month traineeship? We are looking for a dedicated trainee who is interested in working in the field of digital communications and has a political and activist spirit. For this role, preference will be given to native-level Spanish language speakers.

You will learn by doing, including by:


Helping to advance our outreach work towards Latin America

Helping to advance our Spanish-language work on Twitter

Helping to refine and apply our YouTube strategy

Helping to refine and apply our TikTok strategy

Other social media support

Creating and repurposing content for our new website

Helping to refine and apply our influencer outreach strategies

Helping to craft short written summaries of articles and reports

Supporting preparations for our 50th anniversary in 2024


You will work alongside our Web master, Communications Officers, Translator and Communications Coordinator, as well as several researchers to learn and practice as part of the communications team.








recently graduated from a media studies, communications or similar programme

avid social media user, confidently navigates emerging trends and social media culture

native-level Spanish

good command of English

demonstrates an interest in TNI’s work and history

learns very quickly

is eager to take a strategic approach to social media and has strong ideas about what works and what doesn’t for an organisation like TNI

is available to start in July/August 2023

A masters-level education will help you navigate TNI’s work, but we want a talented trainee and will search for enthusiastic and capable candidates regardless of experience or education level. We take traineeships seriously and want to help you develop your skills.



video production skills

graphic design skills


An employment contract for 6 months.

TNI can offer a modest compensation (minimum wage in effect in the Netherlands).

Location: our lovely office in Amsterdam. It’s full of interesting books and people.
We will work together to find opportunities to provide training and help with your professional development.


Please send a short motivation letter, CV and two samples of relevant recent work (writing samples or a portfolio for example) to John Kerseboom, Personnel Officer, to jobs[at] before 14 June with “Communications traineeship” in the subject line.

We hope to conduct interviews and make a selection by 5 July.

Please note that this position is based in Amsterdam and an EU work permit is required.


IM-Defensoras: Convocatoria para puesto de trabajo: Oficial gestión de proyectos

¿Te apasionan los feminismos y trabajar con defensoras mesoamericanas
de derechos humanos?
¿Tienes experiencia en el manejo de fondos restringidos?
¿Dominas español e inglés?
¡Te estamos buscando!
Aplica para sumarte a nuestro equipo


Estudiantes de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNACH realizan visita a Alter Natos

Visita de Estudiantes de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas UNACH a las instalaciones de ALTER NATOS, Otros Mundos Chiapas, para conocer, aprender y compartir sobre la bioconstrucción de nuestro centro ecologíco y las diversas ecotecnologías que implementamos.

Estudiantes de la IBERO CMDX realizan el conversatorio “Violencia y Construcción de paz” en el centro Alter Natos

10 de marzo del 2023

Visita de Estudiantes de la Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México a las instalaciones de ALTER NATOS, Otros Mundos Chiapas, para compartir reflexiones en el marco del conversatorio “Violencia y construcción de paz”. Con la presencia de Ofelia Medida del Fideicomiso para la Salud de los Niños y Niñas Indígenas de México (FISAMIN) compartimos información sobre la defensa del los derechos humanos en los altos de Chiapas, así mismo visitamos la sede de Las Abejas de Acteal donde también charlamos sobre su arduo caminar en estos 30 años de lucha.

Mott Foundation Position Openings – Please Spread the Word

FYI CS Mott Foundation will be filling two international program officer
positions. The first will handle the global portfolio in their
development finance program area (based in Flint, Michigan, USA) and the
second will handle the development finance and energy access work in the
Andes/Amazon region of South America (based in Brazil).

Follow these links for the details:

     * Program Officer – Transforming Development Finance [1]
    * Program Officer – South America [2]

 Please help spread the word and encourage strong candidates to apply.

The recruitment process is being handled by a search firm, Martha Montag
Brown & Associates, and all inquiries should be sent to Martha Brown:

REDESMA: Convocatoria a Presentación de Propuestas de 4 ConsultoríasREDESMA:




El Centro de Estudios y Cooperación Internacional, -CECI- y la
Fundación Innovación en Empresariado Social, -IES- han recibido un
financiamiento del Ministerio de Asuntos Mundiales de Canadá -AMC-,
para implementar el Proyecto “Enfoque Transformativo en Género para
el Empoderamiento Económico de la Mujer (TEA WEE)”, para lo cual, se
hace necesaria la contratación de un/a consultor/a que elabore la
línea de base del proyecto.

El proyecto “Un Enfoque Transformativo en Género para el Empoderamiento
Económico de la Mujer (TEA WEE), tiene como objetivo promover un
crecimiento económico inclusivo centrado en micro, pequeñas y medianas
empresas lideradas por mujeres (MMYPEs), así como el entorno en el que
operan en Bolivia. El proyecto abordará tres ámbitos principales a las
que se enfrentan las MMyPEs lideradas por mujeres: 1) la falta de acceso
a la calidad de servicios de desarrollo empresarial (SDE) y redes para
MMyPEs lideradas por mujeres; 2) la desigualdad de participación de las
mujeres en los espacios y procesos de toma de decisiones, y; 3) un
entorno empresarial que no reconoce ni responde a las necesidades e
intereses de las MMyPEs lideradas por mujeres. El Proyecto también
fortalecerá la capacidad de los gobiernos municipales en los
departamentos de Cochabamba, La Paz y Santa Cruz, para responder a las
necesidades e intereses de las MMyPEs lideradas por mujeres a través de
sus programas y servicios.



Elaborar un mapeo de las instituciones, redes empresariales, cámaras de
mujeres de empresarias/emprendedoras para la incorporación de
iniciativas transformadoras de género

Presentar la propuesta técnica, económica y Currículum Vitae basados en los Términos de Referencia Consultoría Mapeo de Instituciones:, Redes Empresariales y Cámaras de Empresarias Mujeres en el Ecosistema Empresarial Boliviano_ al correo electrónico hasta 7 de diciembre 2022.

(Documento PDF [16])



Bajo la supervisión directa de la Presidente de Directorio de la
CAMEBOL La Paz y los/as demás miembros del Directorio y oficiales de
proyecto del CECI, el/la consultor/a será responsable de diseñar la
estrategia y ejecutar la afiliación de nuevas afiliadas para la
CAMEBOL La Paz en la ciudad de La Paz.

Presentar la propuesta técnica, económica y Curriculum Vitae (CV) basados en los Términos de Referencia Consultoría Afiliación de Nuevas Asociadas a CAMEBOL LA PAZ al correo electrónico hasta 7 de diciembre 2022.

(Documento PDF [17])



Bajo la supervisión directa de la Presidente de Directorio de la
CAMEBOL La Paz y los/as demás miembros del Directorio y Especialista de
Empoderamiento Económico de Mujeres del proyecto TEA WEEB, el/la
consultor/a será responsable de realizar la gestión contable de
gestión 2022 de la CAMEBOL La Paz en la ciudad de La Paz.

Presentar la propuesta técnica, económica y Curriculum Vitae (CV) basados en los Términos de Referencia Consultoría para la Elaboración de la Gestión Contable de CAMEBOL LA PAZ al correo electrónico hasta 7 de diciembre 2022.

(Documento PDF [18])



Diseñar un Plan Comercial para CAMEBOL – Cochabamba centrado en la
Afiliación de Nuevas Asociadas: mujeres empresarias y emprendedoras de
la ciudad de Cochabamba, en busca del posicionamiento, fidelización y
sostenibilidad de la Institución

Presentar la propuesta técnica, económica y Curriculum Vitae basados en los Términos de Referencia Consultoría para la Elaboración de la Gestión Contable de CAMEBOL LA PAZ al correo electrónico hasta 7 de diciembre 2022.

CEMDA: Únete a nuestro equipo

📣📣¿Te interesa el medio ambiente y deseas ser parte de una
organización reconocida que trabaja para lograr mejores condiciones de
bienestar social, fortalecer y desarrollar el régimen de derechos
humanos y la interculturalidad, y vivir en armonía con la naturaleza?

¡Únete a nuestro equipo! Buscamos una persona abogada senior en
nuestra oficina del Golfo de México.🏝️ [1]

En la IM-Defensoras estamos buscando coordinadora para nuestra Estrategia Regional de Acompañamiento a Defensoras en Riesgo

En la IM-Defensoras estamos buscando contratar a una Coordinadora para nuestra Estrategia Regional de Acompañamiento a Defensoras en Riesgo.

Agradecemos que compartan esta convocatoria con sus contactos y personas a las que crean que les pueda interesar.


Desarrollo Tecnológico y Servicios Comunitarios El Punte


Desarrollo Tecnológico y Servicios Comunitarios, EL PUENTE SC. Es una organización que
ha venido trabajando desde hace más de 20 años con comunidades indígenas de la Selva
Norte y Altos de Chiapas. Solicita una persona con el siguiente perfil, con contrato de un
año, a partir del 1 de enero 2022.
Técnica en Gestión de Proyectos
• Mujer Mexicana
• Experiencia en Proyectos de Desarrollo en comunidades indígenas
• Formación en Género
• Experiencia en Trabajo de equipo
• Hablante de Tseltal, Tsotsil o Chól.
• Conocimiento básico en alguna de las siguientes infraestructuras: Sistema de agua,
Tanques de ferrocemento, Filtros purificadores, Biofiltros, Estufas o fogones
• Que sepa conducir (Licencia de manejo)

Interesadas favor de enviar la siguiente documentación al correo
• Curriculum Vitae

Calzada el Pinar, Colonia Peje de Oro, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.
Tel. 9676315989

Job Vacancy: Deputy Director, Business and Human Rights @ Human Rights Watch


 Deputy Director

 Business and Human Rights Division

 Program Department

 Multiple Locations Considered

 Application Deadline: September 30, 2021

 The Opportunity

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is seeking experienced applicants for the position of Deputy Director in the Business and Human Rights Division to serve as a key strategist for our growing body of work on Poverty and Inequality and to work with the Director and the staff on corporate accountability.  The Deputy will report to and work alongside the Director to ensure the highest standards of research and advocacy, develop and implement the division’s strategy, liaise with other parts of the organization, and help manage an increasingly growing staff focused on human rights in the global economy.

 The successful candidate will be an effective leader and compelling communicator with experience on key issues related to poverty and inequality; and work on corporate accountability. They will have demonstrated experience developing and implementing strategic human rights interventions and understand how to bring innovate approaches to research, advocacy and communications to effect change.

 Position Overview

 The Deputy will be working with the Director to manage staff with an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion; managing stress and resilience of staff; encouraging a healthy work/life balance; while building out new areas of programmatic work by helping design a strategy for human rights in the global economy with a focus on Poverty and Inequality. Currently based in the US and UK, Business and Human Rights is a diverse team of six with backgrounds in poverty and inequality, corporate accountability, and the impact of technology on the vulnerable. This position will preferably be based in New York, Washington DC, or London, with other locations with major HRW offices also considered.

 Due to Covid-19, many of our global offices are currently closed or operating in reduced capacities. The successful candidate may be required to work remotely until offices fully re-open. We recognize that this moment, during the pandemic, is a uniquely difficult time for most people, particularly those with caregiving responsibilities, and we aim to be as flexible and supportive as possible in both the recruitment for and onboarding of this position.


     * Design and implement with the Director and staff a multi-year strategy and implementation plan to advance our work on human rights in the global economy with a focus on poverty and inequality;

     * Provide day-to-day management and leadership of the Poverty and Inequality Team to develop, implement, and oversee strategies to advance this key area of work; help the team keep abreast of current research and discourse on poverty and inequality and build and sustain creative partnerships, working alongside groups worldwide;

     * Coordinate with other parts of the organization to strategically guide and advance work on Poverty and Inequality through support for research, helping to develop innovative communications and advocacy products, and developing new policies to support this work;

     * Act as a senior representative and advocate for the work of the division internally;

     * Act as a senior spokesperson and liaise with external actors to advocate on the work of the division;

     * Represent HRW and its work on poverty and inequality and corporate accountability to companies, governments, and other institutions;

     * Work with non-governmental organizations on collaborative advocacy efforts;

     * Work with HRW’s development staff as needed to support HRW’s fundraising efforts;

     * Work with colleagues in advocacy and communications to develop multidisciplinary strategies to support the work to achieve impact; and

     * Undertake other responsibilities as required.

 Management Responsibilities:

     * Deliver outputs in a timely manner while maintaining consistency with the agreed strategy and priorities of the Business and Human Rights Division in conjunction with the Director of the division;

     * Operate in compliance with organizational regulations and rules, including the policies of applicable employee agreements;

     * Establish clear work plans for staff and communicate priorities clearly and effectively. Provide oversight and take responsibility for delegated assignments in conjunction with the Director;

     * Contribute to putting in place systems, processes, and policies to ensure the efficient functioning of the team and its ability to deliver timely outputs;

     * Ensure that the workload of the staff is manageable, and the reporting lines are clear;

     * Provide appropriate and timely feedback on staff performance and provide guidance, coaching and training, as necessary; and

     * Develop and implement along with the Director a management and evaluation framework for the division.

 Candidate Profile

 The successful candidate will be a thoughtful, collaborative, and strategic leader with experience working on investigations, advocacy, policy and management who has a strong background on poverty and inequality, and an understanding of corporate accountability and human rights frameworks. Someone who operates from a place of principle and inclusive leadership.


 _ _

 Experience: At least 7 years of management experience, especially overseeing research and advocacy on issues related to poverty and inequality, corporate accountability, and human rights.  Experience managing in a large organization is an additional benefit.

 Education: A level of education that when combined with your professional experience will show that you can contribute meaningfully to the role.

 Related Skills and Knowledge

     * Deep knowledge of and experience working on policies affecting poverty and inequality and economic and social rights, including worker rights, fiscal policy, and access to public services essential to an adequate standard of living. Proven ability to learn and master new issues. Strong policy analysis skills.

     * Demonstrated experience developing innovative research projects, crafting strategies, and implementing plans.

     * Experience supervising a distributed team of professionals and a multidisciplinary team.

 4.      Demonstrated commitment to high standards of accuracy, objectivity, creativity, and ethics.

     * Strong interpersonal skills to work collaboratively within HRW, as well as develop constructive relationships with NGOs, media, research institutes, multilateral organizations, governments, academia, and the private sector.

 6.      Ability to multi-task effectively, adjust to changing priorities, and meet deadlines.

 7.       A willingness to experiment and learn from mistakes.

 8.      The patience and persistence to build effective ways of working in an established organization.

 9.      Optimism, a sense of humor, and excitement about joining a skilled and diverse team.

     * Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and ideally one other commonly spoken language.

     * Demonstrated awareness and sensitivity to the needs and concerns of individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and orientations.

 12.   Ability to work collaboratively and respectfully with others in multicultural teams, across organizational boundaries and multiple time zones, and with employees at all levels.

 Salary and Benefits_:  _HRW seeks exceptional applicants and offers competitive compensation and employer-paid benefits. HRW offers a relocation assistance package and will assist employees in obtaining necessary work authorization, if required; citizens of all nationalities are encouraged to apply.

 _ _

 How to Apply: Please apply immediately or by September 30 2021 by visiting our online job portal at No calls or email inquiries, please. Only complete applications will be reviewed, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

 If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your application submission, please email Due to the large response, application submissions via email will not be accepted and inquiries regarding the status of applications will go unanswered.

 Human Rights Watch is strong because it is diverse. We actively seek a diverse applicant pool and encourage candidates of all backgrounds based anywhere to apply. Human Rights Watch does not discriminate on the basis of disability, age, gender identity and expression, national origin, race and ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or criminal record. We welcome all kinds of diversity. Our employees include people who are parents and nonparents, the self-taught and university educated, and from a wide span of socio-economic backgrounds and perspectives on the world. Human Rights Watch is an equal opportunity employer.

 _Human Rights Watch__ is an international human rights monitoring and advocacy organization known for its in-depth investigations, its incisive and timely reporting, its innovative and high-profile advocacy campaigns, and its success in changing the human rights-related policies and practices of influential governments and international institutions._

Coordinador(x) de Campañas de BDS en América Latina

En el archivo adjunto se encuentra la descripción completa del puesto, los trámites y requisitos para la postulación. (El documento está en inglés porque es el idioma común de comunicación dentro del BNC).

Lxs interesadxs en postularse deben enviar un CV (en inglés), una carta de presentación (en inglés y español) y al menos dos referencias a antes del sábado 28 de agosto de 2021.

Latin America BDS Campaigns Coordinator

  • Job Title: Latin America BDS Campaigns Coordinator
  • Hours: 40 hours per week
  • Annual leave: According to regulations of host country
  • Salary: To be determined
  • Location: A major Latin American city that is relevant to Palestine solidarity and affords
    relatively easy travel to other major Latin American destinations

To apply, please send a CV (in English) and cover letter (in English and Spanish) and the
contact information of at least two referees to by Saturday,
August 28, 2021.

Overall responsibilities:

Main focus:

The role of the Latin America BDS Campaigns Coordinator is to initiate and coordinate
strategic BDS campaigns across Latin America, build partnerships and intersectional
alliances, promote the expansion and consolidation of the BDS movement in Latin
America and ensure strategic positions are integrated into policies of political parties and

The coordinator will work closely with the BNC team and local partners to strengthen
and expand the Latin American solidarity network and partners and enhance relations
with the BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian civil

The coordinator will facilitate and assist in strategizing and implementing local and
regional BDS campaigns as needed in the fields of academic, cultural, economic and
military relations.

Main tasks:

  • ∘ Help to build new and support existing local and regional BDS campaigns including
  • developing background resources and coordinating strategy meetings.
  • ∘ Coordinate global BNC-supported campaigns and support the coordination of Israeli
  • Apartheid Week and the Global South Response across Latin America.
  • ∘ Maintain and strengthen intersectional relations between the BNC and Latin
  • American civil society, including progressive parties and social movements.
  • ∘ Expand the movement to new Latin American countries by mapping, promoting and
  • supporting potential BDS campaigns, especially in Central America.
  • ∘ Help to establish and support campaign coalitions and regional coordination efforts.
  • ∘ Promote lobbying initiatives in coordination with the BNC team on official levels.
  • ∘ Coordinate with Palestinian communities and solidarity groups in Latin America.
  • ∘ Represent the BNC and advocate for the BDS movement on the grassroots and
  • official levels.
  • ∘ Develop stronger integration between the BDS movement in Latin America with
  • global dynamics.
  • ∘ Work closely with the BNC Latin America Media and Communications officer on
  • the development of communications strategies and their implementation

Qualifications, skills and competences:

  • ∘ Excellent spoken and written communication skills in Spanish.
  • ∘ Good spoken and written communication skills in English.
  • ∘ Basic spoken and written communication skills in Portuguese are an asset.
  • ∘ Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, including an ability to manage
  • workload and priorities independently, including when working on strict deadlines
  • and managing multiple projects simultaneously.
  • ∘ Proactive and strategic thinking as well as the ability to work autonomously with
  • minimal supervision.
  • ∘ Excellent research and writing skills.
  • ∘ At least three years of experience in civil society or social movement campaigning at
  • different levels (grassroots and institutional lobbying).
  • ∘ Understanding of the history of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and
  • equality.
  • ∘ Understanding of and commitment to the BDS movement and its principles, which
  • are anchored in international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • ∘ Thorough understanding of current political and social dynamics in Latin America,
  • including social justice organizing.